I just got a charge HR (purple) I laughed at first people wearing these,but as I have taken more and more steps in my weight loss journey and getting healthier, after giving it a chance i realize it does help make you conscious of being active. Feel free to add me lets motivate each other!!
I have 2 favorites of Richard Simmons, Sweatin to the oldies 1, and Tone and Sweat
I have Tone and Sweat and I also love it i do that and the 1st sweatin to the oldies
I recently got Sweatin to the oldies and part 2.....on vhs lol, i found em at a thrift store for $.50 each, now im hooked I like the original the best, Richard makes it fun and is motivating. I also would recommend Richard's Tone and Sweat video, you will need a resistance band cord to do that workout but it is good for…