jille87 Member


  • Thank you to everyone for your help! I really appreciate the insights and support. I had yet another pretty bad day today (I started off strong but then the delicious desserts at dinner really did a number on me. But, I will just continue to log it and hope that tomorrow and the final days will be a bit more successful and…
  • Thank you so much. My stats are I am 5'0 even and when I left I was around 100-101 (my weight trend app said about 100.6 pounds). It has taken me about a year to drop down from 143. I do not know my exact body fat percentage, but looking at chart pictures I am most likely around 24-25% body fat. At home I typically am…
  • Thank you! I do have a question - what is your diet with 1200 cals a day? Also, are the last 15 for me really vanity pounds? I ask because according to the BMI chart a female at 5 feet tall and 130 pounds is still considered overweight! Let me answer the second part of your question first with the last 15 pounds. I find…
  • I agree with not ruling out "cheat" days. I am putting this in quotes because I need to put this into a better context. When I say cheat, I mean days where you may go over your net calorie allotment but still log and record the surplus calories as accurately as you can. These "cheat" days or meals are sometimes needed for…
  • Hello and congratulations on your weight loss so far! We both have similar stats, as I am also 5'0 and started last year around this time at about 143 pounds. I am currently down to 101 but not actively trying to lose anymore. To lose weight, I have had to keep my net calories at around 1200 throughout this journey. Early…
  • Thank you both! This is very helpful.