ericaswith88 Member


  • I thought about that myself, picking up one habit for another will probably lead me back to the cigarettes. I need to completely cut them out. I will quit for a couple days but my boyfriend smokes so it makes it almost impossible! Ive only been a smoker for about 4-5 months. To be honest I have always been super active…
  • Thanks ladies for the suggestion of a better alternative.
  • Yeah, I thought about that. I don't know much about them. I will check into them though. Thanks!
  • Keep up the good work!
  • Oh the whole alcohol/weight struggle. Been there done that, sometimes with more success than others lol. I use to drink whiskey with proper (flavored water). This kept me from getting as dehydrated. In my experience though I always want to eat! The next day my appetite is through the roof! I haven't come up with a working…