NotYourClub Member


  • That's absolutely amazing, so why do you chose to eat earlier rather than in the evening when the body would more likely be in 'rest' mode. Do you sometimes do the 48-72 hour Fast as a cleanse or test for the body? Curious to see what others are doing, I've been in this for so long it is by far my favorite diet. My…
  • Here is an example of my meal 8.19.17: Snack: Pistachios (25 nuts) Salad: Organic Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber & Carrot, no dressing Meal 1 (20min later): Organic Pasta with Organic Shrimp & Stringbeans Meal 2 (45min later): Organic Chicken & Organic Rice 101.4oz water today 20oz black coffee in morning Feels absolutely…