tjucan Member


  • I'd say that's like a weird IF version that some keto-people use to make their life easier. Anything with calories breaks a fast. Said that, if you feel like you need a bullet prooff coffee in the morning - go for it. There's no point in making yourself miserable.
  • I think r/ketogains has a pretty good diagram...
  • Smoothies! Just throw everything into a blender and that's it. Personally I'm not a fan of eating anything solid early in the morning so I usually have a smoothie: 1) Sweet one: - 1 cup of coconut milk; - 1/2 scoop of protein powder; - 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder; - 1 tablespoon of shredded coconut; - 1/8 teaspoon of…
  • I started taking 500mg of magnesium bisglycinate and 3000mg of potassium daily and I sleep much better now.
  • I pay a lot of attention to macros. I make sure to hit my protein goals everyday (0.8g/lb of lean mass while maintaining or losing weight, 1g/lb of lean mass while gaining), then to keep my net carbs under 20-25g because that's when I feel the best. After that I just make sure to eat enough fat to reach my daily calorie…
    in Macros Comment by tjucan August 2017
  • Now I'm really curious what kind of vegetables you find "adequate" (or how much of them). Because in my experience, damn, trying to eat 50g of net carbs while still hitting my protein goal would be impossible. Simply too much volume.
  • Well, I know there are different types of fasting (like fat fasting or juice fasting) but I went for water fast so... 0 calories/fat/protein/carbs. I'm not really giving any advice, I'm only mentioning my own experience. There's a lot of reasons why fasting isn't for everyone and some people should def be under medical…
  • Water with electrolytes (sodium, potassium and magnesium) and tea. If I remember correctly, I also had 2 multivitamin pills during that time. And that's it.
  • lmao, right. I love when people just assume things. I started fasting 4 years ago. My first two fasts were 7 days long, third one was 28 days long, followed by a 7 days refeed and another 28 days long fast. I lost a lot of weight and NEVER regained any of it back (except for water weight so ~5lbs). I've been maintaining…
  • I've never used fasting as a tool to jumpstart weight loss but I do fast to lose weight. For me it's the easiest way of losing weight (not to mention other benefits). Well, actually right now I'm on my second day of water fast, hoping to reach 30 days mark.
  • Definitely in!
  • There's a lot of them! Spinach, avocado, olives, asparagus, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli (and broccoli rabe), kale, green beans, brussels sprouts, peppers, bok choy, celery, arugula, swiss chard, raddish, kohlrabi, fennel, okra, turnips...