Drf0394 Member


  • Awesome, thank you guys so much. I'll start to tighten the logging. The reason I put oz and grams is because my scale does both, but I'll stick with grams from now on. Some of the exercise stuff is from like cardio where I'll read my numbers on the treadmill or whatever cardio machine I use that day and try to find the…
  • I'm 5'8, 211, male and 23. My limit on here is 2110 a day, but with exercise, it's less than that. I can make it public. If you see it, there's days I haven't logged because it's the same meal all those days, expect when I've updated it and those differences are on there.
  • That could be worth a shot. I didn't think of that. The only thing I could think of was to up my cardio more.
  • Yeah, I've been using the meal counter on here, that's what in check means so it does mean something. Just wasn't clear enough.
  • Yes. I bought a kitchen scale so I had everything to a specific limit.