shlavannah Member


  • Tostadas with black beans and shred up some chicken! Avocado and tomato too if it fits your budget. It's quick easy and about 8 bucks that can easily give you 5 meals
  • Same goals! I'm 5'2 At 117 I GW is 110, but honestly I'm fine with the weight just want to tone up a bit more and lower the body fat. I'm at 26% wanting a more athletic build between 19-21%
  • I've just started myself about a month ago. I've lost about 3 pounds 5'2 120 to 117. Most importantly I felt a HUGE difference in my mood and energy. I don't have that sluggish feeling, I feel very energized and upbeat. I have started to get hungry more often and have increased my carb intake (which I was very hesitant at…