amandakelly_ Member


  • I jumped into the ocean this past weekend wearing mine.. I was in for a couple minutes when I realized it, dashed out of the water like a crazy person, laid it out in the sun a few minutes and haven't had any problems.
  • I did weigh myself yesterday (also my reawakening day) so I began 170.0!
  • I went into the summer pretty good shape, the best for me in years but hit a summer slump (BBQs, vacations..foods and booze) and have jumped up a lot more than I imagined :open_mouth: But time to get myself back on track and this group seems like one to help me stay accountable ! Start Weight: 170 Current Weight: 170 Goal…
  • I looooooove crossfit. My fiancés cousin opened a box about 5 years ago and I did not initially try to join, a decision I regret in hindsight. Last September she began a new six week program which was basically an introductory program to crossfit. She does also offer beginner classes and your fitness level is accessed and…