globalhiker Member


  • I'm in for August and YES, this is the month to get out of the rut :) I started yesterday to get a head start. 24+ hours AF. My goal is to keep going AF as long as I can. Let's do this!
  • Better day today. Got some swimming in, had a nice Thai dinner and 1 serving of sake. I know sake goes with Japanese food but oh well. At least I didn't bring home a bottle of wine.
  • I really, really don't do well in the heat. Irritability is an understatement. Just waiting for the day the temps will be under 90F at 5am when I can get out for a run. @dawnbgethealthy so sorry to hear you have a fire in that lovely stretch of land nearby. Same here about 20 miles north of me with people evacuating. I…
  • Appreciate the tip from @tmbg1 about ashwaganda. Not sure where to buy drops but it's on my list. If it can't harm me, I will try it :). Pretty soon the weather will get cool and we'll all be able to go outside like @dawnbgethealthy! I was AF yesterday but had a bubbles can of wine today just because it was irritatingly…
  • @itladyee I am deeply sorry about your loss and big hugs for you! I went thru a similar experience 3 yrs. ago with my 14 yr. old retriever. I do in fact like the bird pictures you posted. I think your finch friend is quite cute. I have many in my yard since they drink out of the salt water pool. Like a lot, maybe 30 visit…
  • I miss you all! Been busy taking business classes for work on the weekends. First, I envy the pictures of all those deep blue skies because here it's been all haze, ozone and super-hot heat. I so feel for those of you going through a challenging time. I am in the same boat. I am telling myself, I need to start living a…
  • Appreciate your guys' uplifting comments for real. I just wanted to just relax today. But my husband decided to re-adjust the A/C in the attic on a day it was 110 degrees and needless to say half the house was full of attic insulation material and the way thru the attic was in the master closet so most of that insulation…
  • Hello friends, summer is always a challenging time for me because I don't do well with heat and I love the outdoors and when I can't go out I am just really grouchy and want to drink away to cool down. On the AF front, I have done some 3-4 days AF with husband this month although we've been grouchy and managing with…
  • AF streak 3 days in a row. It's because 4th of July, Father's Day, and Memorial Day drink-weekend is over as are my celebratory excuses. Next few weeks involves turning up the A/C, watching award-winning foreign films, and indulging in some mini-sized Haagen-Dazs vanilla chocolate chip ice-creams only if needed :) Yasso…
  • Welcome @annjuodakis6276, it's perfect how you are so open and honest about yourself. What you write here matters because the next day you may read it again and this will help direct your mind. At least, this is how this forum helped me. This is a place for self-improvement and you will find many buddies. @dawnbgethealthy…
  • Awesome pix of you people improving your lives - whether weight loss or gardening what matters is we're actively engaged with self improvement and enhancing our happiness every day. I so feel for you @MissMay and experienced so much grief over my old house since I had to go back to see what the new owners did to it, and it…
  • I had to google IDGAF. Seriously no clue what you all were talking about. But I understand it since I was IDGAF last week! Nothing in the world is more important than you, me, all of us. If you feel like you need a reset, allow it and do it because it's in your power. Tomorrow I will set an intention to do just that and…
  • I'm back!!! Happy to report I had a successful work trip - I did keep to 2 drinks being the maximum rule. Zero hangovers and up early daily!! Diet and exercise, that is another story. Will work on that one this week. For now, I am just happy I could moderate without any thought or any effort while being away. I was…
  • I wish everyone a super successful June! I'm away on a work trip in the UK until about mid-month so will be logging in less. Scary part for me: meeting up with people who drink (in my opinion....a lot). Mandatory trip rules: no drinking on planes except water, no drinking night before flying and focus on lots of water with…
  • @MissMay thank you for keeping this going! Of course I'm in for June and commit to doing better than May! I wish strength and motivation and energy to push forward - for all of us!
  • WOW! Sounds like being AF really gave you that boost and momentum. Feel free to share anything else that can get us jump-started!
  • @dawnbgethealthy thanks for your uplifting comments....if I did have shiny hair it was likely a slather of pure coconut oil. Today I ran 40 minutes straight, swam, and had one main meal (house BBQ event). Ribs and home-made macaroni salad and veggies. I consumed a half-wine bottle of Italian rose and it felt like too much.…
  • @Sinisterbarbie1 your power and strength is so admirable. I am very sorry for your loss and the whole experience of it all. It's mind-blowing. Reminds me of how important it is to make the rest of our days meaningful - to ourselves and to others.
  • My world has flipped around, upside-down and then some the past few weeks. Layoff situation and started hitting the pinot grigio today. Rats! I will spare the details and say this: What life has taught me this week: 1) dial back the speed when you need to, 2) stress-management is VERY mandatory, no excuses and alcohol is…
  • @Lilylady3k, OMG so glad to hear from you and hope you are on the mend! You sound overdue for a nice vacation, curative for healing and preventing illness. At least that is what my grandparents used to tell me. I am running again and been focusing on my "stress relief" goal of 20 min in the hot tub 3x a week. I do that…
  • I love this group and I do appreciate the honesty and the "lift" you all give me. We all go through turbulent times and as much as we want to control life, it's got a wicked plan of it's own. Past few months I have not been the same, but have intentionally started running and pushing through my depression and am feeling…
  • Checking in - What went well: I ran yesterday and got to 11:27mi. speed without even trying and in 83 degree weather. Made me happy. I also ate sauerkraut last night thanks to the advice here. Happy tummy. Sleeping GREAT with my new quieter A/C. Less noise makes all the difference. What did not: Work is beyond insane and I…
  • @itladyee it's great your husband has a wonderful person like you to help him. Sometimes life asks us to step up and lift others. I guess that's by design. Tomorrow is my diet and run and be AF then busy walking all around the the mall day. Mother's day I guess I will plan an hour run / walk followed by getting in the pool…
  • Wow. Returned from an unexpected trip that turned out to be stressful but I made it back alive. Family insanity and all of that but I am home and kissing the ground. Game Plan (this is me talking to myself) 1. Start the day with putting myself first. Get the rest and exercise needed. And get OUTSIDE. Start the day…
  • @GaryM_25 congrats to you for such a major accomplishment! I'm throwing a major party if I can lose 10 lbs. I totally forgot it was Cinco de Mayo and I live in the Southwest where that is celebrated! Goes to show my bar days are very over. Husband dozed off on the couch tonight and I tip-toed to the fridge to grab a one of…
  • @MissMay I love this! I need to steal this and send it to all my work peeps! Perfect timing on your part. Thank you!
  • I had the best sleep of my past 7 or so years last night since we had a new A/C installed. It's super-quiet and it's cool. I woke up with zero allergy feelings and was in a relaxed state all day. I woke up late, around 6:30 am which has been later than my regular 2 am wakening that started when my hormones shifted. I felt…
  • AF but I have so much allergy medicine in me right now I feel under the influence. @lmlmrn, if you find a great treadmill, let me know. I want one too. I prefer going to the gym but with work, it's really incredibly hard (impossible) to go at night when I'm so tired and hungry and have a husband chanting "what's for…
  • Yes I am in! My goal is to exercise or move 2 hours a day at least 6 days a week. Huge difference in my mental state and motivation when I exercise in the morning. It's always been the case when I do this, I do take good care of myself the rest of the day and eat right and drink right. I'm not setting a goal for eating or…
  • @itladyee I can relate to your post since stress really gets to me. Glad the bump in the road is over! April was a strange month for me, lots of ups and downs. Not happy with my progress or lack of-in retrospect I had not as many AF days as I expected or wanted. Didn't hit my weight loss or running goals. I blame work and…