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Thanks so much for the feedback and ideas!! I need to remember that the weight didn't accumulate in a week and it definitely won't go away fast either!
Thanks! I used to always give up journaling because I didnt want to record a Binge! But this time I am recording every single thing. Hopefully seeing how many calories I eat in a few minutes of weakness will help me
I have definitely been bigger then 186! My heaviest was 200, I lost some but never focused on it much
I too am a Momma! I have 3 kids ages 2, 3, and 4. It's easy to let yourself go when so many need you! I started out 2 months ago at 186 and now down to 167. I haven't been this thin since before I had my fist baby, it is possible!!
Spokane wa!
Tabitha I really need to set a schedule and prep!! Healthy choices are so much easier when you can grab it and it's good to go. Thanks!
Thanks ladies!! My kids are fine with me exercising, they like to join In! But it is getting my butt going that I struggle with. After a week or two it gets easier and I look forward to it! As for our eating habits, I struggle a bit too. I would live for my family to all eat the same meals but usually it ends up being I…