Venetia27 Member


  • How weird I typed a load then and it only posted the first sentence! I'll give it a couple more weeks then thanks. The weight loss has been so consistent these past few months that this sudden plateau confused me.
  • I have absolutely no idea how to open my diary!
  • So I'm not eating back exercise calories, or giving myself an allowance for breastfeeding, and the calorie goal it had given me is to lose 0.5lb per week.
  • I'm set at lightly active, and calorie goal is 1510. I don't think I can eat less tbh as I've cut back where I can - breastfeeding has always given me the hungries, and lack of sleep makes it worse - and my youngest is an awful sleeper! Yes I'm weighing and measuring and tend to overestimate where I can.
  • I think my metabolism must be broken! I'm 43, 5'6" - just been losing baby weight, and currently stuck at 130 - and I'm not sure if I'm active or not? -I just run around all day after kids never getting to sit down for long, and walk to do school and preschool runs carrying a 30 pound toddler on my back in a sling, and…