babydollzr2 Member


  • Omg people...why are you all so focused on th word cheat....I weigh and measre everything and log ALL my yes I am counting calories!!! My "cheat" day that you are all so focused on is allowing myself one crappy thing I normlly wouldnt eat during the week (a candy bar ir some ice cream...a treat)...thats it!!…
  • Yes I weigh and measure things...and dont cram extra in. I know its harder with less to lose...thats what I've been saying. I just wanted to see more than 1 pound and felt bad is all since last year I lost more doing the same thing. I didn't mean to start anything...people misunderstood my "cheat day" and I felt like I was…
  • Yes I log everything...How about I rephrase cheat day to I eat clean all week and 1 day a week I'll have some candy, or ice cream, or something I dont eat during the week. And I could never eat a whole pizza or a whole carton of ice cream...I'd never gave room for it..I don't believe in eating these foods on a daily basis…
  • No Im not a body builder, I said I have body builder friends. Let me re-define my cheat day...I still eat good foods all week, but allow myself to have maybe pizza or ice cream one day...I dont believe if I eat ice cream and pizza on a daily basis that I'll lose any weight. How can anyone think they can eat that daily and…
  • I do control my calorie intake...hense the reason I'm on this app!! As to your comment of nobody serious about losing weight has a cheat day a week...well your wrong there...I am friends with body builder competitors and they all have 1 day where they allow themselves to have something they normally wouldn't. If you don't…