TrippingDreamer Member


  • After losing 55lbs I am finally out of jeans in my "Someday I will fit into these again" stash. I am excited and scared to go shopping for new jeans. Some of these jeans I hadn't fit into in 10+ years.
  • I can finally do a standard bodyweight squat! No more assisted squats! I am so excited!!!
  • I did when I started making myself drink water 2 months ago. It's gotten better in the last few weeks, as long as I don't try to chug a large amount at once.
  • I haven't really noticed much if I am completely honest - But I also have several other health issues going on that are impeding my perception of what benefits all these lifestyle changes might be having on me. I am hopeful that my story will be a lot different when I am more than a month into making changes!
  • I managed to drink 64+ oz of water every day for the last 30 days. That's the first time in my entire life. I'm in my 40s. Now to work on getting in more than the bare minimum!