lcsmaling Member


  • I have 100 pounds to lose and have lost 26 so far. I would love to support you on your journey! Best of luck?
  • I just figured out how to add friends! You go to the Friends tab on the main screen first. There is a plus sign + in the upper right corner of the screen. Press this button and it will take you to another prompt to either add friends from your contacts, Facebook or this App. Chose the bottom button for this App and another…
  • I would be happy to support you! I am just not sure how to add friends so if you could let me know, I will be happy to support you on your journey! I have lost 26 pounds so far but want to lose another 100.
  • Hi Linsey, I also want to lose a lot of weight. I started 6 weeks ago and have lost 26 pounds so far but want to lose another 100. You are doing great and I would be happy to be your friend! BTW, I now live in Michigan but I used to live in Bedford, Massachusetts.