jayney777 Member


  • BeautifulHalfMermaid i dont know, i havent looked at them for a while but never ate them. I agree with livingcleanlivinglean that if it fits into your calories and you like them, eat them. I cant stick to a low carb no sugar high fat diet anymore. It is too restrictive and i find i have to increase my fat content so much…
  • @BeautifulHalfMermaid It still has organic cane sugar in it and that is still sugar just not refined and full of toxins. Its hard, but there can be absolutely no natural sugar (even fructose) consumed when eating high fat foods like pork rind, cheese and nuts. Stay with stevia and other artlificial sweetners.
  • I noted two things. The protein your eating in keto is harder to digest and can stay with you for longer making a short term weight gain. I have done keto and Atkins a few times once 15 years ago very successfully, and i always go through a short period of weight gain in the beginning. The other thing i noted was the…