lionessncubsx3 Member


  • I dont remember a weekly goal. It asked how much I weigh now, how much I exercise etc. I'm already walking as much as I really can tbh. I dont move much at my job so at the end of the work day I have like 4500 steps. Been getting on the treadmill and getting to 10,000 in about an hour and a half. That's moving as fast as I…
  • I don't know. It says the 2 eggs were worth 109 calories, the banana was 105 and the stir fry was 677? It didn't ask what I put in the stir fry (red, yellow, orange & green peppers, water chestnuts, broccoli, cauliflower, and a sauce made of low sodium soy sauce, low sodium chicken broth, garlic, sesame seed oil,…
  • :::sigh::: It says I need 1200 calories a day. I ate 2 eggs for breakfast, a banana for snack and 2 cups of stir fried veggies with rice and I have like 309 calories available for dinner. Any suggestions on 309 calorie dinner?
  • I've been working on it for 3 months, not lost a single lb. I need to lose 90lbs to be where I'd like to be. Supposedly a healthy weight for me is 119 lbs but I don't even want to be that small...I wouldn't look healthy.
  • what does weighing food accomplish? I keep seeing that but I don't get it
  • Wow, I didn't expect so many responses and great information. Thank you all for the support. I am having a tantrum and I apologize for that. I quit smoking in feb and have gained back the 30lbs I worked my butt off to get rid of and I've developed a caffeine allergy so I lost caffeine too. Not a bad thing since I was a…