silverblaze55 Member


  • Well, I certainly wasn't expecting to be able to feel my ribs underneath my boobs while doing a self-exam. 'Oh! That doesn't feel righ-' *continues poking* 'Wait... that's, okay that's a rib. Nvm we're good.' :D
  • Pcos and insulin resistance here. I've been doing the low carb/minimal sugar thing for a little over two years. Something my Dr told me was that artificial sweeteners, while they don't impact blood sugar, will cause more sugar cravings. For me, if i cut out breads, pasta, potatoes, and sugar (including high sugar fruits)…
  • This is a great trick for those of us that like to eat yogurt right out of the container. Lol. It took me a few weeks to figure it out. :D
  • Your kid not eating what you eat may actually help you out. Single serving meals are usually easier to log. Personally, I never follow recipes. What kind of foods do you like? Seasonings? I'm always just throwing stuff together that I think'll be good. One thing I've done for pre-prepared meals is cook a bunch of quinoa…
  • Use tdeecalculator or something similar to get an idea of your maintenance calories. Get a digital food scale if you don't already have one. Weigh and log everything. The thing that's work for me is absolute commitment to this part. If I don't feel like logging, I don't eat. Full stop. MFP does keep all your logged foods…
  • I made the green bean casserole today (with cream of mushroom soup from scratch) and built the recipe as I went. Also did the recipe for the cornbread, and will be doing one for the deviled eggs tomorrow (my dad is probably making them, I've already told him "weigh and write down EVERYTHING!!!"). Everything else I eat is…
  • PCOS, insulin resistance, hypothyroid here too. Quick tips:* Avoid high-fructose anything, including sweet fruits like melons, pineapple, and grapes. * Carbs - fiber = net effective carbs (which impact blood sugar). If you can find whole wheat bread with high fiber (net carbs less than 5 per slice) and only eat one slice…
  • @tkeeney4 Sounds like you're familiar with everything I said up there then! Oops. :smile: I had a similar thing with the food cravings. I found that if I could manage two or three weeks without sugar or bread/pasta, the cravings for those would stop. When I first started a cookie or a slice of bread was enough to trigger…
  • Hi. I have PCOS, and insulin resistance and hypothyroid. Were you tested for those as well? They tend to go hand-in-hand with PCOS and contribute to weight difficulties. Metformin is used to treat the insulin resistance component specifically. Never heard of Berberine, but I just looked it up and found: "Human and animal…
  • I come up short on my protein a lot too. I try to eat chicken, shrimp, canned tuna, or fish at least once during the day. If I don't manage that, I also supplement with whey protein powder.
  • Hi, I also have insulin resistance (and pcos). I hear you, I love my carbs too and I dreaded giving them up. I'm assuming you've been properly diagnosed? What you have to know is that not all carbs are equal. Sugar and wheat flour break down into glucose very quickly. The spike in glucose causes a spike in insulin (which…
  • I can't eat wheat flour, so I've tried a lot of stuff with almond flour. Couple weird things to consider beyond nutritional info: It has a texture and a flavor. It does not rise. And it makes baked goods very very dense. I made some cookies that were okay taste-wise, but I could only eat a quarter of one at a time (which I…
  • I'm 5'6" and 150. Right now my goal is 130, but we'll see how I look/feel once I get there. My initial weight loss (from 185ish to 155ish) was really unhealthy, so I'm more concerned about my general fitness and health than my weight these days. I'm doing okay with my diet, but still trying to figure out an exercise…