indefinite_studies Member


  • Hi! I’m Jessi, or Jess. I work with teens and tweens at a medium-sized library, and I’m trying to lose weight and get more fit. I read alllll the time. I also like to write, draw, paint, and hang around with my dogs and husband. Open to mfp friends, if anyone wants buddies on here. —Jess
  • I just finished The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle. I loved it! I’m a young adult library worker, so I read a fair amount of YA lit. Also recently read and loved Moonglow by Michael Chabon.
  • Hey! 40 y/o female vegetarian here, trying to lose some weight! I just rejoined this site, and I have no friends, lol. If you want to add me, I will try to help with the motivation.