fitbitch6811 Member


  • First time that I quit I lost my best friend and first love. He passed away at the age of 25. Second time I quit I had gotten pregnant. Third time I quit my dad passed away. Fourth time I am not sure why I stopped I just got lazy I guess.
  • I have started doing a 1 mile walk on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's after dropping my husband off at work. My daughter is always with me I push her in the stroller on those days. On Tuesday's and Thursday's I do a half mile walk with short breaks because my daughter walks with me. She is only 20 months old. I am a…
  • I am not necessarily dieting. I eat everything that I normally eat just in smaller portions I do know that it is life style changes that need to be made. I end up stopping because I stop caring or get to busy to pay attention anymore. I was at it for 5 months this last time and had lost 30lbs.
  • Port Orange, Florida