leanHelen Member


  • Yes x 3 I enjoyed reading all the NSVs yesterday very inspiring. Hugs to you @trimi1104 xx
  • Yes x 3
  • Yes x 3
  • Pass day #2 for me today, didn't go crazy just didn't feel like exercising. Time to get on with it!
  • Yes x 3. Happy birthday Rick. Thanks Craig for the wise words!
  • Yes x 3 for the 11th. It rained all day so I was happy to have done parkrun early and have it out of the way!
  • Yes x 3 for August 10. Go us!
  • Pass day #1 for August 9th tracked but over by 250 calories and didn't exercise, one of those days - happy I didn't go over by more! @RangerRickL yes I've been one of those people who's exercised 15+ hours per week and managed to gain weight - good quality food and enough sleep are the keys for me.
  • Yes x 3. 1 hr swim. I had a coffee with lunch and then slept poorly last night so I have to watch myself today this is a trigger for me - eating too much when tired. Have a good day all!
  • Yes x 3 for the 6th with a 2850m swim. Woo hoo!
  • Yes x 3. That's 5 days in a row and I'm feeling better for it. I did a 10km handicap run with my local club and I'm slightly annoyed I didn't run the extra 200m my watch said I was short as it would have been a 2018 pb, still I'm happy I ran well. Plus a friend asked if I'd lost weight 😁 it's not much so wasn't expecting…
  • Exercised: Yes parkrun Calories: Yes Tracked: Yes I've been eating back my exercise calories the last couple of days I think it's the cold weather making me hungry! @RangerRickL yes lots of people want to go to excess with food and aren't happy if you don't participate, good on you for doing what's best for you!
  • August 3 Exercise? yes 2900m swim which I enjoyed! A friend and I did it together and added a few fast 50m sprints in, it's a good way to get you puffing Calories? yes Tracked? Yes
  • Well done @craigo3154 on all your walking for the year! Exercise? Yes a 40 min run and a pilates class Calories? Yes Tracked? Yes Yes @am_change I'm one of those people who love a fresh start 😁 I just need to stick with it!
  • 🏆Congratulations to the 14 July winners!!! Not an easy thing to do. August 1 Yes 1 hour of swimming Yes met calorie goal Yes tracked
  • Hi I'm Helen from Australia three tween/ teenage boys joining up for a second month. Time to give it a better go.
  • Gorgeous grandkids Rick, my kids are the same ages it's a lovely age. Did I exersize?- yes 13 km run Stay with calories?- yes Log everything?- yes It's good to be back at it!
  • Ok I'm at the beach on holidays having a fabulous time with my family. I'm out of the winners circle for this month (already!) I'm exercising heaps and eating ok so 🤞. I'll keep posting when I'm back in 8 days. Well done everyone keep up the good work. Cheers Helen
  • Good work @kaimbf123 Goals going ok here.
  • So pretty looking at them over the water. Enjoy! I farm 100 miles north of Melbourne.
  • Where are you @kaimbf123 ? Yes and yes for yesterday. I'm enjoying the water challenge it makes a difference and it's too easy not to drink enough here when it's cold.
  • Happy 4th of July to those from the USA. I think I'll have to join all you England supporters in the world cup now that Australia is out :) ⚽ Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes 15kms of running and a Pilates class! Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?…
  • July 2 Goal 1 - eat mindful Yes Goal 2 - 2L water/ day I'm not sure :o but will focus on it today!
  • Hi Rick and everyone! Being in Australia means I get a head start :smile: Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes 2 km swim Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes 2 days down woo hoo!
  • Goal 1 and 2 tick
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes ran 16 kms Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes Hello day 2!
  • Hello I'm in thanks for the challenge up for some accountability! Cheers Helen
  • I'm in! Goal 1 - eat mindful Goal 2 - 2L water/ day