

  • Good to hear! I am off my BP, Cholesterol, C-PAP pressure has been reduced, Blood thinners lowered and another Medicine was reduced to a dose I haven't seen in over 30 years. FEELS GREAT!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hello ALL, Although I am almost at my goal I have learned a lot during my journey. I went to nutrition counseling for 4 months and have tried to apply what I learned there. It's going to be a struggle but you have made the effort to start and thats 1/2 the battle. I was told it helps to get plenty of protein, about 30…
  • From a guys point of view, bigger isn't alway better when it comes to breasts. It all comes down to > YOU have to be happy with what you have. If your doing it to make someone else happy, who's to say they will be still be happy in a few years or will they want more? Make yourself happy, not someone else!!!!!!!
  • Its been less than a year and I am ALMOST there! Not to keep it off!!!!!!
  • I know this was already posted but -- Resistance bands are a great overall total body workout. No jumping required. I have bad knees so I talked to Fitness Trainer and she told me the same thing. The bands work well and are a very good starting point. Plus they don't cost $$$$$ Good Luck!
  • I started in Aug. of 2011, by December 28th had lost 70lbs and have lost another 69lbs for a total of 139lbs. I only have 30lbs to go and I will reach my goal of 210. My friends an family tell me I need to stop losing weight but I just received a letter from my Dr. stating I am still obese. When I saw the letter I about…
  • MFP is a great tool to assist you. Keep up your hard work and keep to your goals and you WILL reach your desired weight.
  • I like the PROTI snacks. Had some BBQ Snacks the other day, they weren't GREAT but they were not bad! Low everything and are made with Soy Protien. They have Sour Cream also and their protien bars are good. I really like the protien bars..... Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
    in Snacks Comment by Amerka December 2011
  • I was told by my Nutritionist that I should get 80 grams of protein a day. More once I start excerising on a reqular basis. It also depends on weather your body is getting 100% of the protein you consume. I drink protien shakes called Bariatric Advantage (No I have not had the surgery) because of the Whey Protien Isolate…
  • Cornell Formula White Bread (Optional Wheat included) 1 1/2 cups warm water 1 packages active dry yeast 1 tablespoons honey or sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoons exrta vigrin olive oil 3 cups unbleached flour or (1 1/2 cup flour & 1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour) 1/4 cup full-fat soy flour 2/3 cup nonfat dry milk 1 1/2…