katsokol5 Member


  • Haha oh yeah! I will tell them to their faces when people used to do that to me and you wouldn't believe the look of horror I received. It's like yeah it makes you look ridiculous right?? Lol now I've embarassed you in front of your "cool" friends. Also if you stand up even if its difficult at the time it teaches them that…
  • That's what I said! They probably have so many insecurities and have to make themselves feel better. I haven't been on myfitnesspal discussions all too often but I am so happy I looked today. It made me feel really good to see so many people being supportive even if we do not personally know the woman. I feel like we need…
  • Hey dear I am so sorry about people treating you like this! People can be very ugly. Also when you are improving yourself I always tend to see people get intimidated and will say nasty things like that. I gained about 60lbs when I first went on birth control 3 years ago and I was always a tiny thing I was 120 lbs muscular…
  • Ah great point! I never thought clothes could impact. I always have a bad habit of checking different times of the day. I should probably do once a week on saturday with the sporta bra and shorts. I was doing it with street clothes lol
  • Ahhh yess. Cute tees for sure I want to get back into also. I really love the crop tops!! I haven't been able to wear one perfectly since I was 16! :(
  • This was beautiful!! I am 23 and am engaged but not rushing into the marriage. I want to finish college and have fun first. I have recently gained a lot of weight when I first went on birth control last year and I have managed to get almost all of it off. But my only problem now is that I am working out with friends and by…