Well, I've been seeing him since I was 13 and I'm 35 now. I've had a stress tests, echocardiogram, aorta and veins checked for blockage, as well as numerous blood tests. I do believe there has to be an underlying cause to this rapid onset of edema. Last fall when I lost the weight it fell off as rapidly as it came back on.…
I'm 5'2 and never been "big". I had pitting edema when I was pregnant terribly. I went on bedrest and in five days lost 8 lbs. I just don't know what caused so much retention. Yea, there is no way I could even eat that much. I hardly eat 1300 calories a day. Craziness.
Yes, I have pitting edema. I have slightly high BP and have forever...even when I weighed 105. I had my gallbladder out last February and also my stomach biopsied for celiac disease. Celiac was negative, but I do have a wheat allergy. I haven't changed how I eat at all and activity hasn't slacked.