thank you for sharing your story. I'm a little bit broken too, but it's encouraging when someone out here tells me that they understand and believe in me. Thanks again!
I use Youtube daily for fitness and exercise vids, the choices are endless
3 d movies on the big screen with a big hot cup of coffee (yes theaters have coffee)
I'm happy they added that, because I could tell that she saw him in real time as well as could hear him.
I've already seen it twice, loved it!
You can do this one day at a time, welcome back!
NO but then again I have hated every day for the last 23 years. Since I work with people and I am not stuck behind a desk all day, there are bright spots here and there but generally speaking I wish I could have known what I know now 24 years ago.
I went to my whites that are a size too small, and they FIT! Yeaaassss!!!
Cheers for one day at a time! Keep posting, keep sharing. We're rooting for you! :)
I only just found this thread, if you have another challenge for November count me in :) This idea of cutting out the late evening snack has been a focus for me lately. Great idea!
- has recipies for many types of diets and a meal plan that is super easy to use, just plug in your weight and it gives you a weeks menu with recipies that have reviews so you can know in advance if you need to tweek it to your tastes.…
Hickchick67 so sorry for your loss.
tomorrows another day :)
Oh pine sounds delightful! I might have to get something today to give me a pine fix <3 :p
I wrote binge but wanted to say emotional eating. Hope that clears things up.
HI there, you are going in the right direction!
hi there!
HI everyone, new here and very impressed with how much quality info there is here!
I remind myself that binge eating is not in fact harmless. As a kid I got that idea, but now that I am living with the negative effect of it, I have to accept that it has caused me a good deal of pain. Also I remind myself that if I really want to do this I can always do it tomorrow, but just not right now.
I want to stop pretending I am happy and fulfilled. My choices have been lazy and consumptive and I will change that mindset because I want to do and be better.