AshleyWallace3 Member


  • Hi folks, thanks for the advice. I'm taking a lot on board here, and there's so much I agree with. Overall, I'll be stepping back. I just wanna defend myself on something: I want to say that I've never given her advice unless she brings up her weight. So, it's not like I've ever sat her down and demanded she lose weight.…
  • Hi guys, I appreciate everything that's said, SO so so so so so much - and there hasn't been a single poster who has been wrong. A lot of you are saying to seek professional help. To be honest, I'm a little scared to do so. One of my reasons is that I've had friends approach GP's, who range around 5'4" and 21 stone, and…
  • Hi there, guys! I just want to express that I've lost 56 pounds so far - I'm not gloating, what I want to get across is that it has been LIFE CHANGING. My confidence has sky rocketed, I feel gorgeous, it's changed the way I interact with people - it's even changed the way I interact with my own family. They've seen me…
  • I'm quite shocked at the responses - simply because there's more to food than just counting calories, right? Or is there? The artificial sweeteners are known to slow your metabolism, I think I read... I'd get the source for you but I'm getting ready to go out on a driving lesson, lol! I've also read a lot of testimonies…