OrangeWhiteBlue Member


  • Thank you for the detailed reply! I was testing for a possible vitamin D overdose and its consequences (calcium and 25-OH vitamin D), and decided to also test testosterone out of curiosity, since it is relevant for working out. I meant to say 53 ng/dL rather than 53 pg/mL (I thought ng/dL = pg/mL, but it isn't). That is, I…
  • Yes, they are. The weight seems more or less correct (their scales showed 81 kg, locker room scales at the gym showed 80.5-81.3, and my scales at home showed 81.9). Perhaps hydration is different from body fluid? They don't add up anywhere on sample pics for this bioimpedance analysis. The description says it includes…
  • No, it's a device like this - one hand, one foot: / That's what I thought, and that's what I pointed out to the consultant, but she shrugged it off. It went up from 21.7% to 22.5% within a month of hardcore…
  • 1. 4 point, it's a Russian brand, likely this one: - it also describes the output. My 'active and reactive resistance' was 508/58 on the first, 545/62 on the second. I'm sorry for the clumsy translation. 2. My 'total liquid' on…
  • 1. I'm moving to a different job in a different country next year. I want to create a good first impression and start a new life in a fit condition, ready to meet potential stress. It is motivating to have a concrete date defined by external circumstances by which I should achieve a certain result. 2. I do a fair amount of…
  • Thanks everyone for the clarification! It is good to know that I am not doing anything massively wrong, and it is nice to be on such a friendly forum. I'm pretty sure ~1800 is my BMR. At least, that's how Wikipedia translates it. I'm male, 189 cm, 84 kg, 21.7% BF, and that's the figure I was given at the gym. I have no…