davidgruninger Member


  • Dont forget about rest days! Especially if your not use to training. Its important to enjoy your days off and not feel guilty. Its easy to burn out. I agree with go for maintence and then once your training routine is set then re-assess
  • You could also look into seeing a personal train once or twice a week and they will help with creating a program
  • Well I saw ur one post that you are doing a strict diet now?? I'm going to guess that you might be eating more while food?? Sorry I don't know how to add friends so I can't see your diet. If you eat less processed food, then you will get more nutrients (protein, fiber, carbs, vitamins, fats, etc..) therefore you can "eat…
  • Something that helps with belly fat is interval training. So instead of just jogging you change things up occasionally and do some sprints. If you spike your heart rate a few times in a workout you will release hormones that will help with burning belly fat.