SimmerUpSlimmerDown Member


  • Thank you everyone for your replies! I am taking all of your kind words into account and am trying my best to incorporate more meals and more snacks into my day. So far, I have had success in evading Huge binges by trying to stay in tune with my feelings and the reason I am eating. The feeling is overwhelming at times.…
  • Thank you for the suggestion. I'll look into the more emotional aspect of the eating. :)
  • Oh man, thank you for the kind words. It helps to take this into account, and refocus my perspective. Knowing it isn't me just going crazy is comforting. Thank you ^-^
  • Wow, your journey and story is very touching. It is matter of routine I suppose. I do need to get some sense of normality to my routine, develop more healthy habits. It is a self-inflicted illness considering I am the one who decides to keep eating when I am no longer hungry. Health isn't just one way of living life. :)…
  • Yeah, I do tend to binge at night. It is a sort of high, if I think about it. There was one point where I found myself binging during the afternoon, but that was only during very stressful periods in my life.
  • Thank you remoore23 :). I do tend to restrict calories earlier in the day aswell. I hadn't really considered incorporating high protein snacks (or any snacks at all). I'll try that and see how it goes.