kisaiyuki Member


  • Most sweeteners come from a plant. Sugar Beets, Sugar Cane, Stevia, and all the Sugar-Alcohols all go through a processing method to give you something you can actually use. Stevia has been used for like 50 years in Japan instead of the cheaper artificial sweeteners in things that would normally have used cane sugar.…
  • That's because of the Atkins Diet that basically told people to throw away bread and buns and eat just the protein. When you consume too much Protein, it becomes fat too. All diets are fad diets, don't think otherwise. The basic goal is to eat less, but not cut out so much you end up destroying your liver and kidneys from…
  • I suppose it depends on a lot of factors that are just now being taken into account. eg, 23andme: "your genes predispose you to weigh about 8% more than average" So if you're predisposed to weigh more, you would likely want to consume 10% less calories than…