mfz73 Member


  • 5'3" here at 172 lbs (last I checked). I pretty much eat my BMR (1400 cal) and don't eat under that. So far that's working for me and I plan to continue eating my BMR and recalculate my numbers for every 5 lbs lost. I know the numbers will go down as I go down in weight. Little people don't need as much food. The shorter…
  • The longest I've gone was 2 1/2 days on a water fast and I wished I could've holded out longer to reach ketosis. The mind struggle is real, yo. If you can and want to do it then more power to you.
  • I'm 5'3" and aiming for 115-125 lbs, anything higher than that and I will not be satisfied. I already know this because I have been at a lower weight in the past. At 140 lbs, I still felt and looked overweight. I'm not judging, just stating my truth. Do what works for you. It's your body.
  • At DD, usually black with flavor shots. At Starbucks, I get fraps because I cannot stand the taste of their coffee. It's a chicory thing. Yuck. At home, I use vanilla almond milk plus Torani syrups which are so delicious.
  • I started with 80-10-10 (80% Carbs, 10% Fat, 10% Protein), this seems to be the norm. All from whole foods, fruits veggies, legumes, and grains. You can always tweak the numbers to fit your needs. I have been HCLF for over 2 years now and this seems to work best for me. When I eat too much fat I feel sluggish.