You're right for sure. I'm thinking only of myself and it seems like a sort of escalation of food issues. I started tracking because my stress levels peaked regarding food. Hopefully I'll feel like a more well adjusted individual when food doesn't seem like a thing that's getting out of control in my life, but something I…
Though admittedly the downside of relying on labels is, processed foods have labels. Produce and meat don't. Still I'll just punch in chicken breast in here and accept the values it puts out
That just sounds so painfully labor intensive, time consuming and obsessive, measuring weighing and calculating exact calories. Just logging everything seems borderline neurotic. I have 2 toddlers. I'm just simply not going to weight every piece of food on a food scale and calculate the exact calories in it.
I've been eating foods with labels. Today I had a particularly skinny lunch of a whole can of tuna (1.75 servings = 105 calories) on top of plain baby arugula with no fancy dressings for flavor that's barely 20 calories more. And what's not labelled, I compare to what's saved in the database already. For instance this is…
Primarily treadmill, the city is gross and traffic is heavy. But I get a real run on the ground in once in a while. We're going to San Diego this weekend and I'm going to run some real hills at Mission Trails Park. Maybe once a month I run on the ground. And no I don't enjoy running; I wonder if I ever will. I do it for…
I've noticed that it overestimates output. When I took a class that used a heart rate monitor, I noticed that the calories burned based on heart rate was already lower than what the machine read, this thing is much higher than the machine readings, but I allow it since it doesn't give me any extra points for the hills. I…
Ha! Nope I didn't want anyone to tell me to stop running. I need to run to train. But 3-5 miles, 2-3 times a week is enough to ensure I can complete any course I will do over the coming year. I just thought maybe someone may have had a similar experience and course corrected. I know I need to keep my lift days and I've…
I edited the OP to include diet info. I JUST started using this to track as accurately as possible instead of keeping a running tab of estimates in my head (and I'm well aware of the pitfalls of guesstimating, so I'm not inclined to guess that a 350 calorie muffin is 150 calories). But I am certain I was eating more last…
You'd think right. But I was eating more when I was skinnier than I wanted to be. My overall suspicion is that my blood-sugar is a little on the volatile side (I might be borderline diabetic as I had gestational diabetes with one of my three pregnancies) I've read that intense cardio burns up all your blood sugar causing…