psoleil42 Member


  • So what you're saying is that I accidentally humble bragged? :p I'm picking up bodyweight training because I switched to a desk job from farming and don't want to lose strength or too much eating power, and I'm discovering that certain exercises are a breeze, while others aren't. I can hold a wall squat forever, but I…
  • That might be it. Thinking about it, it FEELS like my back leg is at °90, but maybe it isn't. I'll try taking a video of my lunges to see if the visual feedback can provide some clues. Thanks!
  • Hi Sheri! So sorry about your diagnosis, but I think it's awesome that you're here. What the scale says isn't always reflective of the amount of fat you've lost, because as women, we tend to hold on to water weight. For example, I had a night of heavy drinking right before my period and I woke up the next morning a whole 8…