PinkSurvivorJen Member


  • Thank you so much, MurpleCat, for your help. I was diagnosed but not really given any pertinent information about the disease. The only experience I have had with diabetes is my parents, but neither was diagnosed until I moved out so I didn't really see the day-to-day care. My mom lives with me now, but her BG stays normal…
  • Some days Metformin has not been my friend. I have randomly had diarrhea. I have noticed the appetite suppressing factors so that is a plus. I feel myself getting fuller faster. I have heard that it is best to have light snacks in between meals, but I don't always feel hungry enough to eat one. I do have a glucose monitor…
  • By the way, how do you add someone as a friend on here? I am new to the message boards and to adding people other than those who I am already Facebook friends with.
  • I have always known that I needed to lose weight because I knew my risks of getting diabetes were high. My mother has it, father did before he died, both grandmothers, a few aunts and uncles. I would do well for awhile and then something would happen in my life that would cause me to stress eat the biggest of which were…
  • I don't know if they have this app for iOS, but I found one called Medsafe. You can set it up to remind you to take your medicine (which I am bad about), as well as, keep track of your blood sugar readings and other things.
  • Thank you all for responding. As much as I hate that all of us have this disease, it is nice to know there are others out there who can relate to what I am going through. It's nice to have others to be able to talk to for encouragement and advice. I am currently on Metformin 500 mg. I have been doing pretty good about…
  • Hello! I am originally from Florissant, MO but for the past 27 years I have been residing in Batesville, Mississippi.