How about just doing active things as a family? Hiking, biking, swimming? Make it more about having fun than a dreaded chore. If not, maybe check with the school. Mine offered use of the weight room and other activities during the summer.
Some grocery stores sell Hello Fresh meal kits now. One dinner is $17-18. It’s a good way to try it without signing up for a whole box.
If needed, you could always go at an unpopular time when no one else is likely to be around to acclimate yourself with the room and equipment. No need to be anxious if you are the only one there. Then next time just go whenever and do your thing.
Also Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Me because it’s humorous.
I like the Dave Ramsey podcasts. It’s motivating to hear people get their life together. The same discipline used to clean up finances applies to weight loss as well. I just ignore the religious:conservative slant.
I like the Green Giant broccoli and cheddar tots cooked extra crispy with cottage cheese. I don’t like them plain though.
My insurance company has a similar program. It’s called Real Appeal. They suggested just tracking on MFP and then entering a summary entry on the Real Appeal diary for your total calories for the day. They recognize that the app is not great but don’t want that to hold anyone back.
The Good Kitchen does frozen meals in single serve portions. All made from scratch, organic, grass fed, etc... if you are interested in that. It’s cheapest if you order in bulk. ~$8 per meal.
What does your exercise routine look like? ~600 calories per day might be high depending on what it is.
Cottage cheese, blueberries and sunflower seeds. Or over the top of roasted sweet potatoes.
My SIL couldn't afford to buy my kids gifts and would pick out something from the Toys for Tots charity to give to them. It was sad because we are very well off, and she was potentially taking toys away from kids who would get nothing otherwise.