senseandsensibility Member


  • 10/31 - 450.6 lbs. 11/5 - 442.8 lbs. 11/12 - 435.8 11/19 - 432.4 11/26
  • I had a four-day weekend, so I actually weighed on Monday when I returned into town. Alas, the travel didn't do great things for my weight loss, but at least I lost. 10/31 - 450.6 lbs. 11/5 - 442.8 lbs. 11/13 - 440.1 lbs. 11/19 11/26
  • Good Time. Hello 1970's NY crime realness in a thoroughly modern story. Loved it.
  • [/quote] Great weight loss, well done to you! Also post anytime and you are doing it correctly, we don't edit the original one, just add a new post as you have done. [/quote] Oh good. Thank you. I thought I was being a ninnie who couldn't figure out how to edit the post. LOL.
  • Oh, I didn't think about a soda stream! I bet that's worth the price as much as I'm drinking. Add a splash of some lemon juice or whatever and I'd be in business.
  • I bet you're missing the bubbles. I have switched to a full refrigerator of LaCroix, Dasani Sparkling Waters (lime flavored) and some other carbonated waters. I like the plain or lemon/lime best. I still am trying to drink lots of water, but sometimes I just want something "more" and the carbonated waters does it for me. I…
  • I guess I can't just go back and edit my totals on my original post? I hope I'm doing this correctly. lol. I don't generally get online on Sundays, so that is my Sunday morning weight, but I'm just adding it now.
  • This argument, unfortunately, doesn't work. Taxes on sodas, etc. in the U.S. have resulted in huge decreases in the sales of soda in those cities (Philadelphia, as an example, has seen a drop of up to 50% in sales, depending on neighborhood and market). And cigarette smoking in the U.S. has declined from 42%+ to a new low…
  • I do like a challenge. Here I go...excuse the high weight total. It is what it is... 10/31 - 450.6 lbs 11/5 11/12 11/19 11/26