keslafe Member


  • Hi. I understand this comment is from years ago, but I'm curious to know if you found any resolve? I'm going through the same... have been for over a decade (I'm 34) with incredibly low estrogen.
  • This information is FABULOUS, thank you so much! That's what I'm considering... if I will find it to be overkill and a waste of funds (I'm an accounting gal so spending excess for something not particularly necessary really chaps my...). Perhaps I'll continue to pine over it and lust for it... sometimes that's half the fun…
  • Thank you for your input! I am definitely leaning toward the Garmin products as they seem to have the most awesome metrics. Would you say the Forerunner is predominantly for running? Do you feel it would suffice for hiking and cycling as well? Is it audaciously large and heavy?
  • This is what I've been doing up to this point as well. Is there any particular reason you don't go for an additional device? Historically, I have just not wanted to jump on the "hype" wagon about it all and keep it as simple as possible... almost feeling as though I'd feel self-conscious with one of them things on my wrist.
  • Hi folks! It is such a blessing to come to the realization that MFP has a community! I have used MFP in and out for years but never did I realize there was such an incredible resource in community here - yay! I strongly believe that community is a huge factor in success and enjoyment along the journey. So happy to connect…
  • Hey y'all... same here...