Joannefenton15 Member


  • Thanks for the reply :) to be honest I though i always tracked my calories correctly and when I do log my calories from exercise I get it straight from my Map My Fitness App but the problem is probably to do with my diet by the looks of things. I probably need to be more strict with myself or something I'm not too sure. i…
  • No I'm getting 1200 calories? And burning about 300 on top of that. People have been telling me to burn more than I'm eating but I personally can't see myself burning 1200-1500 cals in a day
  • I thought it'd be quite clear that it's still gonna be intense seeing as it's meant to be but naturally the beginner ones won't be as tough as regular HIIT. I was just giving my two cents as I was previously told that "HIIT is massively over hyped. It's not fat loss magic and it's bad for beginners to exercise"
  • I've been doing HIIT exercises for beginners and they're not too extreme and I plan to work my way up to more intense ones. Any other tips for fat loss?
  • I did indeed. Thanks for your reply :)
  • I find he Body Coaches HIIT workouts to be amazing. If you find you are doing four really intense Ones and want to take it easy on the final one you could do one of his beginner Ines just to take it easy on the final sessions of the week. Just wondering what results did you see from HIIT and how long did it take to notice…
  • Thank you for your reply☺️☺️according to MFP it says I should eat approximately 1500 calories a day and in total I get 1200 and that's with all my required meals and healthy Snacks and any exercise I do burns only 300-500 calories. I know you're probably not an expert but do you know how long red take to see results…
  • As I stated I only started it all this week and so far it's going good. I couldn't imagine I'd notice results in about 4 days though!
  • Thanks for replying☺️☺️ as I said to the guy above. it says I should eat approximately 1500 calories a day and in total I get 1200 and that's with all my required means and healthy Snacks and any exercise I do burns only 300-500 calories. Would this show results?
  • Thanks for your reply, you see in total it says I should eat approximately 1500 calories a day and in total I get 1200 and that's with all my required means and healthy Snacks and any exercise I do burns only 300-500 calories