Cargram - I forgot to answer your post. You can unlink your Fitbit by going to APPS on the main menu then select MYAPPS and then select FITBIT which gives you the option to unlink it :)
Thanks for all the comments. I have always tracked my weight in Kgs these past few years anyway so that isn't the problem. I'm getting about 500 or so Fitbit calories a day being credited without me doing anything special. As Cargram said I'd have to eat like a horse to keep up with it :D This has only been happening since…
Mine lasts about 5-6 days too. One problem is that I thought I'd lost mine last week (it was found :) ) and in panic I went online to buy a new one and it appears that they are no longer on sale. This would be a shame because I loove my One. I dont want a tracker that is also a watch