aprisar Member


  • Thanks for this! Am looking into these folks' research. Norton says about sugar, for example, that it "can be incorporated into a healthy diet, and you can still lose fat and progress towards your goals. But it does come with several drawbacks [such as that it's] not very filling, so it can be easier to overeat than more…
    in Sugar? Comment by aprisar January 2018
  • I also want to apologize for suggesting a film that was about added/ refined sugars. I missed 'intrinsic' in the original question. Despite being a little put off by the tone of the criticism here, I took the criticism as an opportunity to research alternate opinions about the film and found this article which counters…
    in Sugar? Comment by aprisar January 2018
  • Suit yourself. I found his approach regarding fats (make sure you eat ample healthy fats, i.e., more than the "official" daily recommended dose) and sugar (i.e., stay away from the refined stuff if you can) works well for me. I don't crave junk when I eat this way. I acknowledge that we're all different and what works for…
    in Sugar? Comment by aprisar January 2018
  • Mark Hyman has an M.D. and is on staff at the Cleveland Clinic. He's one of the leading proponents of functional medicine and is part of the documentary. I would guess he and others highlighted in the film, Fed Up, would not be a part of something un-researched. Maybe watch it before you criticize…
    in Sugar? Comment by aprisar January 2018
  • If you're interested in learning more about sugar, you might want to watch the documentary, Fed Up. It's available on Netflix, as well as on YouTube. The trailer is here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aCUbvOwwfWM
    in Sugar? Comment by aprisar January 2018