LowCarber50 Member


  • thanks I will look at the website
  • Thanks everyone I will review all the info.. my bloodwork was fine before and no blood pressure problems, I will keep researching and trying :)
  • I am guessing there is a way to check insulin levels.. etc I definitely have some more research to do.. I have always been very healthy, blood work good, but the last couple of years have just consistently gained weight :(
  • Thanks for the input, I have never been tested for anything and don't know any levels, the "insulin resistant" term came from a naturopath doctor I saw.. and mentioned leptin.. I am reducing my calories, and counting everything and joined a gym and am trying different exercises 3 or 4 times a week.. but its only been a few…
  • I have only lost a lb in 10 days.. I think I need to eat fewer calories? I am staying under 30 net carbs per day and have started to work out.. but I do feel great, no inflammation or bloating so will continue on and maybe cut back on cheese..