When I first started in TKD, I thought that there was only one black belt: I had no idea that there were up to 9 black belts. Up to about 7th kup, I was of the mindset of "I'm training for my black belt: it's my goal", but one day our instructor said to the middle rank belts that the "real work starts at black belt", and…
Where I train, the children get marked most on attitude and technique: if they do their saju jirugi/saju magki well, say yessir/no sir, and get their theory right, they get a nice mark. @Bianca42 so you gave continuous assessment? No actual grading exams? I like the sound of that system, less stressful!!XD
Hello all! I recently joined MFP because I took a year off taekwondo training to do a masters degree, and during that time I let myself go a little and gained about 12/15lbs. I have my black belt exam in May, and I want to lose a little weight, but more importantly get my cardio fitness and strength back up to where it was…