Depends on my mood. I can either be the person in the middle of the room holding court, or the one nursing a drink in a corner by myself. Either way, if I've been around people too long I need time by myself to recharge
Ooh, I've not looked at these threads for yonks , but erm- I don't think he'd need my help. I could probably just hold his coat or something
I am an expert on breastfeeding and boobs. There should be a place for me in the zombie apocalypse bunker.
38, we have 'think 21' over here and unfortunately I cannot pass for under 21 <sigh>
Haha, I had a baby face too, so I also remember getting the bus into town on a child fare then being shocked that they wouldn't let me into the club
I need to get me a stomach like that
Ignoring me, annoying but makes me work harder
Yes! Everyone looks like the Angry Birds now with the eyebrow thing and i loved those pants with 20 pockets to fill up.
I remember having £10 in my pocket, managing to go out, get drunk, get in a club and still have enough left to get me some of the way home in a taxi - watching the meter and yelling "stop!!" before it got too much. Can't do that any more
Gin and tonic
Ah this takes me back to my male friend announcing that he had masturbated over the blonde girl in Hanson... Anyway, nice colours!
I would
Is it so cold that you need a hat on or so warm that you need to take your shirt off
Ah my quote didn't work
School used to be fun. Now they just teach to test and no real world knowledge tought . [/quote] Yes! I could get on my soap box about this all day long. As well as teaching them to be followers, not leaders.
So the DJ played this last night
So it's the work christmas party tonight and it's a 90's night. I'll feel like a late teen again! Thankfully it's not fancy dress, I don't feel like the town is ready for late 30's people dressed like the spice girls.
I'm back on Massive Attack's Mezzanine, forgot how good it was.
No, not Cliff - really?
I wish my arms were like that
Hair, it's fab!
I have a thing for arms and rolled up sleeves...
I've found my happy place
Pretty blue eyes!
Woah I got distracted, Zack aged well....
Aw I loved that! I need to Google what happened to Screech
Yes, that's it!
I did like Sabrina the Teenage Witch and the one with the long lost twins, I can't remember what it's called. Must be my age...
Yes! That made it to the UK 'Have you ever, ever felt like this?'
Just parking myself here for a couple of years.