fruitydude Member


  • Thank you for this! I'll aim for 50% of exercise cals to eat back. I didn't think of eating some exercise cals the next day. Some nights I'm tired as opposed to hungry and I'm trying to listen to my body more instead of eating just to make sure I make the 1200 cal minimum (though it doesn't happen often). However I'll use…
  • Yes I was confused too. After today though, I realised that my Fitbit logged on mfp must have been partially logged (hence not the entire day)... perhaps? Fitbit showed 953 cals burned for Sunday while mfp shows 200 cals picked up from fitbit. Arrggh confusing. I'll log it manually for now :smile:
  • Oh thank you everyone! I have just come back from a ride and fitbit clocked it as 578 cals burned. I'm going to log this in manually. Oh that's interesting re the charge2 which I have. Sometimes I wonder about it because it shows my heart rate as being high when I'm hardly out of breath. Hmmm...
  • Oh haha thanks. I'm female, it was the only random name I could find.
  • Do you know if this is still the case? What was happening was that my steps were showing up on mfp, and now they show up differently (much lower cals and no step count). The reason I'm asking is because I'm wondering how much I should be eating (of exercise cals). According to fitbit I sometimes burn over 1000 when I…
  • Made me laugh. We used to prefer marmite over vegemite since being kiwi and all... that was until the country ran out of marmite for months (seriously), so we hesitantly/reluctantly switched to vegemite. Now we can't stand marmite. You think vegemite is salty? Hahaha don't go near marmite then.
  • Century egg or Pidan... who ever though "mmmm I'll try this old as egg"