NurseTaco_RN Member


  • I buy all my athletic shoes from Comfort One because I only really like On Running shoes and I prefer trying them on before I buy.
  • I like to prep breakfasts for the whole family because I know they're one area where my family struggles. This week I made a taco style egg bake, tortillas, and homemade granola.
  • I think you're going to have to rethink your low carb diet. Fat is a trigger for gallbladder attacks and is hard to digest after surgery. I haven't had a gallbladder for 10 years and high fat meals trigger diarrhea and multiple urgent bathroom trips. While you are waiting for your surgery, eating high fat can cause your…
  • Low sodium spicy V8, over-medium eggs, and a piece of toasted Dave's Killer bread with Amish butter is my go to.
  • It's less expensive right now but more expensive in the long run (not to mention bad for the environment, even if you're recycling them). I'd look into reusable containers.