
  • Thank you everyone! All good info!
  • Yes, he weighs 220 (BF is 19%) while I weight 147 (BF is also 19%), so I do expect him to burn more, but just not that much more....I was just hoping there was some sort of "resting heart rate:max effort heart rate" ratio for caloric expenditure that I could use to get me a little closer. I feel for the effort I'm putting…
  • You are lucky, because Crossfit is big on scaling a workout to suit YOU and what YOU are capable of, not what everyone else is doing. Use the scaling to your advantage - do what you know you can do, challenge yourself a little each day, and you will see progression. Don't rush it.....good progression takes time, and good…
  • I have worked out at regular gyms since I was about 16 years old....I am a person who needs a constant challenge, and I get bored easily. I found Crossfit about 4 years ago, and I still love it as much as I did my first week. Yes, it's expensive, but at a good Crossfit box you basically get a personal trainer every single…