campbellv2016 Member


  • Hey @chuckb24c I have low iron and my Dr. wanted to try to supplement me with a multi-vitamin before trying actual iron supplements. Notably, my iron is *just* shy of low-normal; I'm on the edge, outside the normal range -- so it's not dangerously low. And my haemaglobin is ok. After speaking with my doc, a nutritionist…
  • Hi I'm non-binary gender-queer, and transmasculine most of the time. Keep flirting with idea of top surgery, but not sure that that's my path. I have mostly been vegetarian but dont do well with rules
  • People have all said so much - and I echo their sentiments, and just want to send some love and admiration your way. Tbh - seeing people who have worked so hard, and who have used walking as exercise have totally been my inspiration. So thank you for being one of them :) I haven't seen you out walking, because I don't live…
  • I'm from Labrador, grew up in Newfoundland. Hit the westcoast - Oregon, the British Columbia. Lived in Toronto for 20 years... Now back in Newfoundland for school. Where next?! :smile:
  • I lift and love it. I miss it mostly - because of an (unrelated) injury but have done it for years and working at getting back into it. I learned to lift first with a trainer -- to learn good, safe form. I was fortunate to have a job that offered a subsidy for that.... Then I joined a crossfit gym -- but DO your research…
  • Hi - I"m new too, and also wanting to meet some folks and join groups for motivation and some camaraderie. Glad to meet you!
  • Hi Bill, the fact that you have 'virtual gym buddy' in quotes makes it seem to me like that's a thing -- like a forum or a program or.... , vs you looking for someone to be your virtual gym buddy -- as in someone to share some highs and lows and maybe help keep you accountable. Just figure it might be helpful to clarify.…
  • Not wholly keto - just started learning about it; it's a bit hard because I am mostly vegetarian and vegetables are carbs... but I'm trying to figure it out :)
  • I'm working toward vegan myslef. I'm 80% or so. Tryimg to accept that it might not all happen at once right nkw - for me. SUPER excited for you!!