jnicklinolsen Member


  • The main advantage of a keto diet (much like low-carb diets in general) for me is that it inhibits appetite. When I am in a "low-carb groove," I don't crave unhealthy foods and I can cruise along through my day without thinking about food much at all. Eating carbs turns me into a continuously "hungry" snacking machine.
  • I have just started Eat Stop Eat, along with reactivating my Fitness Pal account. I did the new weight watchers for a bit, but I couldn't make it work - all those zero foods stoked my appetite. Anyway, I have done 3 fast days so far (planning to fast Tuesdays and Fridays), but I am actually fasting from about 8PM Monday…
  • I completely agree with your low-carb choice, because it really helps to curb cravings. I have used a bunch of recipes from South Beach Diet and the Medifast program. If you like eggs, I would use them, because the link between blood cholesterol and eggs has been debunked. Sugar is a much bigger issue for cholesterol than…