DaisyCynthia Member


  • This is the truth! As a society, I think we program ourselves to believe that to be truly happy you have to be a certain weight. But that’s not true! It’s okay to be overweight and happy! It’s also okay to love yourself just the way you are and to seek to develop healthier habits (that may or may not lead to weight loss).…
  • Helen - I completely understand. The holidays are such a hard time to remain focused. Just sent you a friend request (hope I did it right) so that we can work on supporting each other. We’ve got this!
  • Whoohoo! Congrats on losing 13 lbs already. I feel the exact same way when it comes to just feeling unhealthy. Just sent a friend request your way!
  • Hey there! I went through something when I was in law school, and unfortunately I did not manage it the best. The negative coping methods I adopted in law school (over eating and no longer working out) stuck with me long after the stress of law school went away. One thing I realized was that due to stress/anxiety I was…