spvlat Member


  • My weight has actually increased! I don't eat perfectly everyday but I track my calories and based on that I don't think the scale should be showing 6-7 lbs over my normal weight. I feel very bloated all the time and my clothes don't fit quite as comfortably as before Also I live in Europe. The pharmaceutical that produces…
  • I checked with my endocrinologist before starting Accutane and he recommended that I just take the medication without any birth control since 1) it could actually burden my body more because I've never taken birth control pills and 2) all my hormonal tests came back ok. Also I think doctors recommend birth control because…
  • No and come to think of it I had some cysts but most of my pimples were not deep enough for my acne to be considered as cystic.
  • I'm not sexually active at the moment so definitely no pregnancy. I'm also 5 ft 6 and 138lbs
  • @malibu927 what is TOM exactly? Sorry if I'm kind of a noob and thanks for replying. The thing is I've also been feeling kind of bigger lately and my clothes feel just a little tight and that's why I think the scale might be right. Could hormones play a role in this? Because I'm also a week late in my menstruation(sorry…
  • I'm not really asking in hopes of changing anything in my diet just out of curiosity really. I read about the 25grams and I thought that there must be a number for natural sugars as a guide or suggestion since the overconsumption of fruits seems unhealthy to me even if it falls within the appropriate amount of one's…
    in Sugar? Comment by spvlat January 2018
  • I have tried eating about 1400 kcal per day in the past, while working out (2-3 days/week) and it only helped me maintain my weight. Now I'm not saying eating less and exercising doesn't work, in fact I felt great during that period of time. However I'm trying to lose these extra few kgs and unfortunately I don't have the…
  • I'm someone that binge-eats when stressed and over the years that was a big struggle to overcome when trying to lose weight. Even now after losing so much weight, I still overeat during stressful periods of time. I started keto in late December and I found it quite difficult to adjust and now that finals are about to begin…
  • I bought ground flaxseed and ate about 15 grams of it. I let it soak in water overnight and I mixed it with some yogurt. On MFP it says that 15 grams of it contains about 4 grams of carbs all of which is fiber.
  • Thanks for your responses. I've been trying keto for two weeks now and at first it felt like every vegetable was a "no". Then I slowly started incorporating small quantities of veggies and tracking my macros but I'm still scared that something I eat is going to kick me out of keto. I'm mainly doing this to lose fat and…
    in Lettuce? Comment by spvlat January 2018
  • that's intresting! So I shouldn't feel guilty when my total carb count is over 30 grams but my net carb count is still under 30?
    in Lettuce? Comment by spvlat January 2018
  • That's a relief!! Thank you!!! Does this apply to all leafy greens? What about cabbage?
    in Lettuce? Comment by spvlat January 2018
  • Does anyone also know if there's a limit to how much lettuce you can have while on keto? Butterhead lettuce has 2grams of carbs per cup according to MFP and it says all of it is fiber. So I can have as much as I want? or not?
  • Wow! That's a relief! Keto is hard enough and the struggle of counting every food to the last gram as well as worrying if it kicked me out of keto is exhausting. Your comment made my day
  • Thanks for all of your replies. I'm new to keto and reading all these diferrent articles about it confused me a bit but you guys were very insightful. The thing is it's hard for me to tell if my body's in ketosis since it's difficult to get a hold of a ketostix where I live but I've definitely eaten less than 30grams of…