EMMketo Member


  • Amazing stats! Great job!
  • Checking in. Total loss right now is right at 11 lbs. Been doing lazy keto due to insane family issues ATM. Started tracking macros again as of this morning. 01/01 - 277.6 01/07 - 272.8 01/14 - 267.8 01/21 - 266.8 01/28 -
  • Checking in. Lost 5.2 pounds my second week. Total loss right now is right at 10 lbs! I love keto. B) 01/01 - 277.6 01/07 - 272.8 01/14 - 267.6 01/21 - 01/28 -
  • I agree with missravae, salami & cheese makes a great breakfast. I also add low carbs nuts, like pecans or macadamias. I also sometimes do just a Premiere Protein shake for a quick and easy breakfast. I decided to try the bananas & cream one today and it was pretty darn good.
  • Checking in. Lost 4.8 pounds my first week. B) 01/01 - 277.6 01/07 - 272.8 01/14 - 01/21 - 01/28 -
  • I had IBS with chronic constipation growing up and it's definitely not fun. Used to go weeks without a bowel movement. Have you tried mineral oil? The doctor made me take it as a kid. One tablespoon with a full glass of water every day worked pretty well for me. Tastes horrible though. MCT oil also makes for a great…
  • Checking in. Looking forward to the start of a new me. :) 01/01- 277.6 01/07- 01/14- 01/21- 01/28-
  • I'll add you as a friend. :) I'm new too. I'm Beth, live in Colorado, 46 years old and have an 8 year old. I have over 150 lbs to lose to get to a healthy weight. I just had my cholesterol tested and it was VERY high. My mother died of a stroke when she was only 50 so I see my fate in her if I continue to live my life this…
  • I definitely want to join the challenge. New to MFP but not to Keto. Was on Keto earlier in the year and lost about 20 lbs. Loved Keto, just kept making excuses not to stick to it. Going back on as of 1/1/18.